Vegan Almond Iced Coffee Recipe
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Almond Iced Coffee

This recipe is for all the coffee lovers. And honestly, even if you’re not a coffee person, you’ll still love this amazingly delicious drink.

The flavors combine so well together – the bold body of the coffee is smoothly rounded off by the rich, nutty profile of the almond milk, blending with the sweet, caramel-like notes from the dates and finished with a subtle vanilla aroma.

Oh, it’s also vegan!

iced coffee

You need:

  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 tbsp instant coffee granules*
  • ½ cup cold water
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp Summer Day Naturals’ Ground Vanilla Bean
  • 4 fresh dates, pitted (soft variety preferred)
  • 1 large banana, peeled and frozen


  1. Place water, almond milk and dates in a blender and blend till smooth.
  2. Sieve the mixture to remove any coarse date skin.
  3. Place the sieved mixture back into the blender with all the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Serve immediately.
  4. Enjoy!

* If using fresh brewed coffee, use ½ cup chilled black coffee.

vegan recipes

Paleo Almond Iced Coffee Recipe by Summer Day Naturals

Recipe taken and adapted from

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