Healthy Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes
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Pumpkin Pancakes

Who doesn’t love pancakes?! The perfect breakfast food that’s yummy, and this time also healthy. Our pancakes don’t contain any white flour or sugar; we do it the natural way. So no need to worry about your waistline, because treating yourself with these bad boys once in a while won’t do you any harm.

For the pumpkin pancakes you need:


  1. Mix all of the ingredients into a smooth batter. Heat up 1-2 tsp of coconut oil on a frying pan over very low heat.
  2. When the oil is hot, spoon the batter onto the frying pan, about 1/3 cup and gently spread the batter. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes until the batter has set before gently flipping it over. Continue cooking for another minute.*
  3. Continue cooking until all of the batter has been used up (will yield about 4-5 pancakes). Serve immediately.

* The pancake will be fragile, especially when it’s halfway cooked. Try not to disturb it so much when it’s cooking, as doing so will scramble them.


healthy pumpkin pancake recipe

Recipe taken and adapted from

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe by Summer Day Naturals

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